Welcome to Episode five of the Travel Diaries!

In this episode, we dive into the vibrant world of music once again, where my latest single „Salsa Para Elenita“ takes center stage. This track is a departure from the profound, introspective themes we explored in our previous songs and episodes. Instead, it’s a delightful journey into the realm of pure joy, where the music itself takes precedence over any deep philosophical meaning. So, join me on this musical adventure as we explore the essence of „Salsa Para Elenita.“

As a musician, I’ve always relished the freedom to explore various musical styles without confining myself to any one genre. This month’s single, „Salsa Para Elenita,“ is a testament to this creative liberation. It dances effortlessly across genres, drawing inspiration from Latin rhythms with subtle hints of flamenco in my guitar playing, all while being firmly rooted in the rich harmonies of jazz.

In a world that often categorizes artists into neat, marketable boxes, I’ve chosen to embrace the beauty of artistic freedom. I believe that true creativity knows no boundaries, and it’s fascinating to see how different musical styles can blend seamlessly when guided by passion and an open mind.

„Salsa Para Elenita“ is a celebration of life, music, and the unbridled joy that comes from losing oneself in the rhythm. Unlike our previous songs, which delved into profound themes and complex emotions, this track is all about letting go, connecting with Mother Earth, and surrendering to the music.

In the whirlwind of our daily lives, we often forget to embrace the simple pleasures of existence. „Salsa Para Elenita“ invites you to do just that – to spread your wings and dance like nobody’s watching. It’s a reminder that sometimes, the most profound experiences can be found in the simplest acts of joy.

„Salsa Para Elenita“, the fifth of twenty-four songs, came out on August 25th, 2023.

One of the most remarkable aspects of project TRAVELER in general is its ability to seamlessly merge diverse musical styles. The Latin influences infuse many of the tracks with a fiery passion, while the faint echoes of flamenco add a touch of drama and intensity. All the while, the jazz harmony forms a sturdy foundation upon which this musical tapestry is woven. And the whole thing is trying to be a Pop Rock project – well good luck with that!

Frankly, I don’t care anymore. This piece of work is a testament to the power of creativity, showcasing how different cultures and genres can come together to create something truly magical. In a world that often emphasizes divisions, music has the unique ability to transcend boundaries and unite people through shared experiences. And besides of that: I’ve always wanted to write a Salsa! TRAVELER and its concept made it possible!

The dream is collapsing

Don’t wake me, don’t wake me up.“

I’m not a dancer myself (although I spent a lot of time in salsa clubs in my youth, I never really danced), but what I lack in dance moves I try to compensate for with my guitar playing. This track features a highly Al Di Meola inspired guitar solo on nylon strings as well as a piano solo by kickass pianist Stelios Fragous from Greece. I love every second of it and I certainly hope you will too!

„Salsa Para Elenita“ is a delightful departure from our previous musical explorations. It reminds us that, in the grand symphony of life, there are moments when we should simply let go, connect with the world around us, and dance our hearts out.

As a creator, I cherish the freedom to explore different musical styles, and this track is a testament to the beauty that arises when we break free from creative constraints. So, as we embark on this musical journey together, remember to connect with the rhythm of life, spread your wings, and dance like there’s no tomorrow.

Until next time, keep exploring, keep creating, and keep embracing the diverse beauty of the world.

Stay tuned for the next episode of Travel Diaries, where we’ll be crossing the great Atlantic and embarking on another exciting adventure, both in music and in life.

Also, if you want to know more about project TRAVELER, how everything started and who I am, I invite you to subscribe to my E-Mail list. There is plenty of subscriber-only stuff going on over there and I’d love you to be part of this!



PS: I thought I’ll add some personal notes at the end of each blog post, giving a short insight into my own journey right now. So, here it is:

My current diary pages (August 2023)

  • I keep running almost every morning. I wonder how I will manage it though, now that the days are getting colder.
  • The next TRAVELER live show will be on the 13th of September at the „Loop“ in Vienna. We will be shooting a video as well, so bring your dancing shoes!
  • I am walking a lot these days, contemplating about the past and having serious issues with letting go. I wish I could spend one day back in the year 2006.
  • Anytime I open my old yellowed copy of The Lord of the Rings I feel deep and profound happiness inside me.

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