Travel Diaries | Page Twelve: Being JR

Welcome back, fellow travelers, to another chapter of our musical journey through the labyrinthine corridors of emotions and experiences. As the twelfth installment of our monthly rendezvous, I bring to you a piece of my soul woven into melodies and lyrics, a reflection of my ceaseless wanderings and the cacophony of emotions that accompany them.…

Travel Diaries | Page Ten: ERATO

Welcome back, fellow travelers, to another musical journey in our monthly blog series, "Travel Diaries." I'm Jannis Raptis, and I'm thrilled to share the latest installment of my musical odyssey, Project TRAVELER. Episode 10 brings us to the enchanting realms of Greece, where the mystical muse Erato takes center stage in the composition I fondly…

Travel Diaries | Page Nine: TRAVELING THROUGH TIME

Welcome back to another episode of our musical journey, where every song is a chapter in the evolving story of Project TRAVELER. I'm thrilled to share the creative process and background story of this month's release, "Traveling Through Time," the ninth instalment in our ongoing adventure. "Traveling Through Time" is a unique exploration into the…

Travel Diaries | Page Seven: GLASTONBURY

Welcome back to another exciting episode of the "Travel Diaries," where we delve into the world of music through the lens of my latest song releases. I'm Jannis Raptis, your guide on this musical journey, and this month, we're taking a tour to the charming town of Glastonbury with my latest Folk Pop song, "Glastonbury."…

Travel Diaries | Page Six: NELLY

Welcome back to another episode of the Travel Diaries, where I take you on a musical voyage through the stories behind my songs. This month, we dive into the depths of "Nelly," a Pop Rock track with progressive rock elements that holds a special place in my heart. Join me as I recount the journey…

Travel Diaries | Page Five: SALSA PARA ELENITA

Welcome to Episode five of the Travel Diaries! In this episode, we dive into the vibrant world of music once again, where my latest single "Salsa Para Elenita" takes center stage. This track is a departure from the profound, introspective themes we explored in our previous songs and episodes. Instead, it's a delightful journey into…

Travel Diaries | Page Four: SMOOTH TRANSITIONS

Welcome back to the "Travel Diaries," the monthly blog series that takes you on a captivating journey through the musical world of TRAVELER. This month's episode brings us to song number four, "Smooth Transitions." This funky and tropical pop track, infused with disco and jazz influences, holds a special significance as it traces its roots…

Travel Diaries | Page One: TRAVELER

April Joy! It has been one year since I recorded this monstrous double album in Athens. The one named Traveler. The one I was planning to do since 2016. The one that is going to change everything for me. Whatever this is supposed to mean. After one year of postproduction those 24 master files have…

Geschichten aus dem Neunzehnten | Episode 12: Ein Kapitel endet, ein neues beginnt

Schon immer war die Realität für mich nur eine von vielen Optionen. Mittlerweile habe ich wenigstens das über mich gelernt. Im Neunzehnten zu leben, hatte stets den Vorteil, dass die Portalstube sauberer organisiert war. Hier kann man sich recht kurzfristig entscheiden, welche Welt man betreten möchte. Nun ist also ein Jahr vergangen und die…

Geschichten aus dem Neunzehnten | Episode 11: Kaiser in der Kaiserbar

Es herbstelt allmählich im schönen Sievering. Das Grün der schützenden Blätterdächer hat seine besten Monate hinter sich, kündet bereits von der drohenden Leere und Kälte, erinnert einsame Wandersmänner daran, dass Glück grundsätzlich nur von kurzer Dauer ist. Nach Tagen des Regens zeigt sich jedoch wieder die Sonne und verspricht uns einen zauberhaften, feierlichen Döblinger Herbst,…

Geschichten aus dem Neunzehnten | Episode 10: Die Helden der Döblinger Legion

Nach zwei Monaten am Mittelmeer wieder im Neunzehnten zu weilen, fühlt sich an wie ein zweiter Urlaub. Das kühlende Blätterdach der Döblinger Baumriesen schützt des Ankömmlings von der Sonne verbrannte Haupt, die Stille umschließt ihn in einer langersehnten Umarmung. Schön, wieder hier zu sein. Im schönsten Teil von Wien, dort, wo Fuchs und Hase sich…